Monday, June 30, 2014

Parenting 101

This is it - the night before our trip to London, and surprisingly, my mother has done a great job of getting ready. Just a few last minute things in our carry on and we're ready to go. To wish us bon voyage, we had another round of relative visits. We met my cousins Keri and Jay and their children  - yes - that's right, plural - at my all-time favorite kitschy restaurant - The Kowloon. Now growing up in Medford, the mammoth Chinese restaurant was always one of my go-to places and situated on the busy RT 1 in Saugus, the north shore's answer to great Asian cuisine has always provided a great meal and incredible prices. And where else could you get a flaming Pu Pu Platter over flowing with appetizers that could feed a small army?

With its volcanic mosaics, dragon covered walls and its makeshift ship in the middle of the floor, the restaurant has something for everyone. Watching my cousins, who've never been insides its doors of deliciousness marvel at the decor, food and prices was well worth the planning. Often times, being so far away, I forget what an amazing brood of relatives I have and being away for over twenty years, to see their kids, not only know who I am, but also get so excited to see me really warms an old bitter heart.

It was a great afternoon made even more decadent by getting the kids ice cream at another old staple of my childhood - Putnam Pantry. The little candy shoppe/home made ice cream parlor made to look like an old New English hut has stood for longer than I can remember. Over the course of my high school years, it added a lot of pounds to my already "husky" frame.

Today, I gave a ride to my cousin's youngest son and trying to be the cool "uncle," I let him ride in the front seat of my car.

"You can ride in the front seat?"

"YES!" Graham exclaimed and off we went up the highway. Pulling into the parking lot, his mother leaned out her window and scolded,"Obviously, Uncle Jim doesn't know the first thing about parenting!"

Now, mind you, I did think it was a little strange when I looked over and thought the front  seat was a bit low for Graham, but I did ask if a car seat was required. Doesn't that count?

All this activity was great for Rosemarie as it kept her mind occupied and away from the task at hand - finishing up the last of the packing. We have plenty of time though, we don't have to leave for Logan until noon. I want to have plenty of time to return the car and enjoy all the perks of flying her first class.

At least the flight attendant won't scold me for putting her in that seat. Now, if I do say so myself. That's great parenting.

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